Andrew Kotsopey
Current City: Trenton, NJ
Hometown: Yardville, NJ
Alma Mater: Lafayette College '10
Day Job: Electrical Engineer
Photography became a passion through my love of traveling. Seeing the world has always been a high priority and naturally I started using photography as a way to record memorable travel moments. In 2008 I developed serious interest in the art of photography while spending a semester abroad in Europe. I returned home with 10,000 photos and curiosity to learn the finer details of photography.
At this point I started taking photos simply for the joy of taking photos. It served as a creative outlet from the purely analytical electrical engineering classes I was enrolled in. I dedicated spare time to learning about the creative and technical aspects of photography and experimented with new digital techniques like HDR.
During senior year I started displaying work in public, first on the campus of Lafayette College, then at a gallery in downtown Easton, PA. With the encouragement of the Lafayette and Easton community I continued on to do multiple shows throughout the years and expand my body of work.
Photography : Engineered